{insert split second where I wonder if this whole post is too much - then I post that baby anyways}
He, she, that job, they - whatever left doesn't have to slap a negative definition on you as a being.
We've got kings and queens - alike - running around in the collective who have, at one point or another, played small, chased crumbs, and have dallied around with those who didn't treat them with the integrity and respect that are SO worthy of!
I have been one of those queens on more occasions than I'd like to admit to. Playing small has been a "fun" little game I've played within partnerships, friendships, my education, my career, and in a multitude of other places!
Lord knows that my favorite place to "play small" over the past few years has been within my twin flame connection - the fertile soils of my REBIRTH from those misaligned patterns and programs! {empowerment and alignment feel SO much better than playing small and chasing crumbs!}
And I totally hear ya, if you've been in these positions! This person or job or whatever gets you feeling ALL kinds of ways, and you. want. them. to. stay! But at what cost will we drag those back who keep making the choice to walk away?
What do you do when you're being called to remember your king or queendom and NOT chase that or the one you feel a deep love for?
>>Remember, THEIR absence does not define your value and worth.
>>THEY left because of them - their choice.
>>You deserve GREAT, reciprocated, high-vibin' love.
>>Set the standard of Respect and Integrity - nothing less.
>>Don't drop the ball on your life just because they chose to leave.
>>Turn your anger, fear, and sadness into creative magic!
>>Write about it, journal it out, re-align what's been misaligned.
>>Take your power back, like yesterday!
>>Taking your power back doesn't mean telling him or her 'off' or proving a point from your wounded ego.
>>Taking your power back = grace, dignity, and spinning GOLD from this moment!
>>Lean on your soul mission and calling.
>>Sit with God/Source and SOURCE your inner, divine power back.
I'm not saying it's gonna be easy. I'm not saying you're not going to cry, scream, curse their name, or want to bargain them back in. Honor your grief amidst the ending and beginning of a cycle. Trust me, you're gonna be fine! One step at a time!
Keep lovin', huggin', and honoring yourself! Straighten that crown when it dips a bit! See YOUR inner king or queen, even when others are refusing to see it!
If they come back - great! Now you can redefine how you AND others show up in your life. If they don't come back - that's okay! God doesn't take away and leave infinitely, empty spaces. Sit down, breathe, and allow DIVINE filling of the space that's been made!
Lots of Love!
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