The feeling of liberation as you walk through the doors from your old life is the single-most scary and exhilarating feeling in the world!
This year, hell - this decade - has been quite a journey!
If you're like me and you've been caught up, enthralled, and feeling a bit entrapped within the old programming and narratives around twin flames - then you understand that it's been a bumpy-ass ride!
As I prepare to leave this past year and its old cycles behind, I can honestly say that I feel like I'm finally making it out alive!
Yes, I believe in the power of deep, soul connections. Of course, I prescribe to the notion that we are shifting out of old paradigms with regard to how we relate to others. But not at the cost of our own self-respect, dignity, and integrity.
I've spent the better half of this year unraveling myself from a lot of the old belief systems and interferences that came along with a lot of the twin flame doctrine that is being heavily pumped out into the Collective.
You reach a point where the continuous cat-and-mouse games you have played into are boring, and you begin to see past the illusion. No longer can you prescribe to narcissistic programming or abusive behavior. You've reached your breaking point, and you're drawing the line in the sand.
I reached my breaking point this year, and I remember that moment so deeply. It was the moment where I was more cross than sad, and that was the exact thing I needed to create the proper boundaries to protect Adult Me and Inner Child Me.
The past few months have been extremely intense. Honestly, the past year+ has been extremely intense! My eyes have been held open as I was pushed to look, finally look at the patterns and behaviors I continued to agree to.
I reached a point where it was no longer something I could blame him for solely - I had to take responsibility for the part I had played in this fiasco all along. I had to be the one to put a stop to the suffering.
That pain we experience within a deep soul connection is a powerful medicine that unravels our old stories and unbinds us from the lies. It hurts like hell, but we get the opportunity to rise to our heavenly selves.
But at some point, we must question our own suffering and ask if we are accepting lashings across our back for the sake of playing The Savior. Are we truly doing ourselves and others justice by taking the beating and asking for more?
At some point, we must be our savior and liberate ourselves from cycles of neglect, rejection, abuse, and separation. There comes a point where we owe it to ourselves to make it out alive!
Coming to this realization in a community that gaslights you into believing that you're crazy if you question the other person's actions or act in a way that's not deemed unconditionally loving by a lot of healers, mentors, and teachers out there.
To think that there are paid professionals who are making thousands of dollars to advise someone to consciously allow someone to run in and out of their lives because they are The One that God has deemed as their person is ludicrous!
Listen, I don't care if someone is blazoned in platinum light and dripping liquid gold - if someone makes the choice to not be present with you, emotionally manipulate you, or flat-out act outside the barriers of integrity with you - it's time to choose YOU and walk.
And I feel as if most who identify as twin flames, divine partners, or soulmates don't want to be open to this truth. There's a wounded Inner Child who wants to feel safe and loved so badly that we end up tolerating inappropriate behavior because we felt something special with them.
It's time to stop bypassing all the red flags because we caught a special feeling that we never felt with someone else. If we are bypassing ourselves and constantly stepping out alignment with our highest timelines because we felt some kind of way, then we lose that kind of way feeling we could be feeling each day with ourselves and God/Source.
Don't allow a fleeting feeling to pull you out of alignment with yourself and God/Source.
What most people fail to recognize is that we can feel intense feelings towards those we have a trauma bond with. There's something so familiar and so activating about a trauma bond because it feels like home. It feels like we've been there before. It activates us because we are being pushed to clear old cycles and trauma at a soul level.
There's no reason to feel guilt or shame for falling into entrapments because we must meet ourselves where we are at and thank the old experiences for alerting us to our old programming so we can release ourselves from energetic shackles and ascend even higher!
Acknowledgment and awareness are the first steps to change.
You can make it out alive.
You don't have to feel stuck in the endless entrapment of old twin flame templates.
You get to choose joy, peace, and alignment.
What comes with the realization of this is the realization that you are the answer to your own prayers, and that the answer involves you choosing to do differently (legit, the scariest but most pivotal moment ever!).
I remember that moment so well! I realized what I no longer wanted to experience, I was connected to what I would tolerate in my life, and I knew that meant that I had to be the change I so dearly wanted to see. I had to stop expecting and waiting for him to change. I was my only change agent I could lean on.
When you come to terms and radical acceptance that...
It's not your fault that they chose to walk or leave.
It's not your fault that they are choosing to stay in old energies.
It's not your job to fix, save, or ascend them.
Nothing about their behaviors defines you as a person or soul.
But it is your job to show up for yourself and honor yourself with radical integrity. That's the only way to unravel the resentment, the dependency, the addiction, and the struggle. You have to fully, wholly, and completely choose yourself - no matter if that means choosing to not choose them anymore.
That's the clencher - How much are you willing to agree to? How much are you willing to sacrifice in the name of having them (sorta) around? How much is it worth investing in if you end up in constant chaos?
That's the turning point, the moment you choose your own peace and wellness.
You realize that you can accept their absence from your physical reality. Hell, you can accept their energetic absence too if it means that you continue to step into deeper alignment with the mission you've been called to do by God/Source.
You realize that by giving them what they asked for - your absence - you also give back to yourself. You free yourself from the endless tail-chasing of the games and choose higher love.
It's okay to hold the acceptance in your heart that, if it's meant to be - it'll be! Somehow, some way. God moves mountains when we make the decision to move to the side and focus on the climb.
With the incoming new year, it's time to make it out alive and choose to LIVE your life! Allow yourself and them the space to be, to grow, to become.
You owe it to yourself to grow beyond the confines of fear - fear that they will leave, fear that things won't work out, and fear that you'll never feel okay.
Create the truth within that, no matter what, you can trust in the divine unfoldment to be perfect - just perfect.
Focus on your calling. Do the work. Trust. Practice divine patience.
Big love to you all!
If you'd like to unravel from the old stories and step fully into your power - let's connect! Book your free consult call to find out if Transformational Coaching or Quantum Inner Child Healing is the perfect medicine for you! Go to to book now!
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