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Collective | Clearing of Socio-Narcissistic Programming & Dark Masculine Templating

2019, being so synchronistically an end to a decade and completion of an era, has felt more-so like a clean-up crew kind of energy over anything! That being said, it makes logical sense why we have been working diligently to clean up any energetic programming that does not support where we are going as we enter 2020 and beyond!

This year, particularly, has been a collection of rewiring and reprogramming the divine masculine template within the Collective grids after a misfire and hijacking of the masculine template during previous years. We have been taking a stance against dark masculine programming - especially around the socio-narcissistic programming.

I, personally, have been experiencing an influx of clearing around these programs over the past couple of months. Along with the increasing occurrence of socio-manipulative characters showing up in my dream state - there's no doubt that we are draining the metaphorical pond of manipulation, control tactics, and psychological hijacking that has been ever-so-present within the distorted patriarchial programming for a long time now!

I want to preface this article to remind you that when I refer to masculine and feminine - I am speaking of the energies and not men and women in general. We all hold these energies within us, and we all feel the effect of these energies within the collective consciousness.

Could you be able to notice certain patterns and behaviors within yourself or amongst those you are connected to? Absolutely! And the purpose of bringing up the conversation around sociopathic or narcissistic patterns or behaviors is to help activate aspects within all of us so we can review our own patterns and beliefs, and move forward with choosing a more aligned program.

What Does the Socio-Narcissist Programming Look Like?

Even if you or those you're connected to are not someone that would be labeled a true narcissist or sociopath, there are underlying patterns or behaviors that we are all working through to unplug ourselves and the collective consciousness from this distorted programming within our society.

The patterns or behaviors that come through with this programming include:

  • Lack of empathy
  • Sense of self-importance
  • Strong sense of entitlement
  • Arrogant behavior
  • Compulsive lying
  • Conscious attempts to manipulate and control situations
  • Negative display of emotions if criticized
  • Feeling superiority around others
  • Fragile self-esteem
  • Easily disappointed 
  • Uses gaslighting or multiple types of abuse to dominate or control
  • Overly-competitive with others 

In the end, the narcissist is an individual or narcissistic programming is a sign of deep core wounds linked to a lack of self-esteem and self-worth, as well as a deep sense of not feeling safe and secure within connections.

This is typically a result of inner child wounds pertaining to neglect, rejection, and no validation or affirmation as a child. Always being pushed to be the best, the most superior, and perfect can also breed these tendencies - or if the child was always made to feel that they were never good enough by their parental figures.

What this ultimately breeds is someone who tries at all costs to not be rejected or abandoned first. They will manipulate and control the situation by making the relationship on their time, leaving first, only communicating when they want to, and creating scenarios that make the other person feel indebted or codependent on them.

The deep desire to be wanted and needed is connected to the fear that if they are not wanted or needed, they will be left all alone. Oddly enough, those who act out this programming tend to push those away who want to be in their lives, to the point that those people may end up leaving or walking away. This pattern of self-sabotage causes the narcissistically-programmed individual to experience feelings of not being needed or wanted, triggering feelings of low self-esteem and worth.

It's a dark cycle of self-sabotage that always ends with them saying, "There's something wrong with me...I'm not good enough...I'll never be worthy...People always leave me..."

How This Programming Looks in Relationship

The narcissist and the codependent.

The abuser and the abused.

The runner and the chaser.

The interesting part of this programming is that it is a constant cycle of one person feeling fear, another person feeling inFEARior, and one person chasing the other person - causing the runner to feel affirmed, loved, and desired. 

When you look at the twin flame phenomena, it's truly just been an over-exaggeration of the programming between the Narcissist and the Codependent. Granted, that's not the only aspect that has surfaced from the twin flame mission templates - but it's been very much so highlighted for a few years now!

There has almost been normalcy around one partner running and the other partner chasing when it comes to relationships! We have almost been programmed to connect the experience of love to being chased or pushing love away. If you reference a lot of romance in Hollywood and our pop culture, being a player/ette, pushing love away, or chasing love has been glamourized!

How This Program Has Infiltrated Other Areas

If you think that runner-chaser only exists between two people in a relationship - you'd be surprised! One interesting download I have received is how this type of programming is being magnetized through the Law of Attraction phenomena!

If you review this programming closer, you will see that LOA and the narcissistic programming run close together! For instance...

  • People have been instructed to constantly focus on what they desire to manifest. 
  • People have been told that they must think positively if they want to create a positive manifestation.
  • People have been made to feel as if negative thoughts will cause someone to only manifest negative things and experiences.

If you have ever been stuck in old loops of LOA false doctrines and teachings, you will know how you end up feeling trapped in emotionally manipulating yourself to get what you want. 

I remember feeling as if I could not think or feel anything negative, or I would fuck up my manifestation. I would sit in my room and monitor my feelings and thoughts constantly so I could be worthy of what I wanted to manifest into my life. If it didn't manifest or something went awry, I would feel like I messed everything up.

Essentially, old LOA teachings are riddled with infection and False Light Programming as we end up falling into a trap of being gaslighted by narcissistic teachings. Same program, different manifestation.

How to Unplug from The Narcissist 

The thing about narcissistic programming is that it only works as much as we feed into it and allow it to work. You unplug The Narcissist by unplugging it's power source - you! This is not about spiritually or emotionally bypassing the situation - it's about setting healthy boundaries and reclaiming your power in the situation, as well as seeing the truth and underlying energies that are playing out in these situations.

I want to share these 8 Tips from Psychology Today's article, "8 Tips to Protect Yourself From a Narcissist":

8 Tips for Coping with a Critical Narcissist
1. Ignore. Like dealing with a bully, if you ignore the harshness, it gives them no satisfaction, and they will find someone else to pick on.
2. Don’t take the bait and fight with them. Turn the other cheek, and don’t justify or defend your actions to them when you do.
3. Understand their criticism for what it is: It is not about you. It is about their disorder. Don’t personalize what is said to you.
4. When you communicate, set clear boundaries, and use clear communication. Say what you mean directly.
5. If you have to make a decision to stay away, make it clearly and boldly, and follow through.
6. Believe in your own intuition and feelings. Our bodies tell us when something is not right, and when people are treating us badly.
7. Remember, you get to protect you, and you can do it. Don’t expect other people to rescue you from a narcissist. It is empowering to stand up to them and claim your voice.
8. Remember that we all deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion. It’s a worthwhile goal to work to bring more kindness into the world for others. Be an example for your kids, friends, and family.
In Conclusion...

Narcissistic programming is connected to emotional/mental/psychological/physical abuse and control, manipulation, feeling unworthy, feeling low self-esteem, and always working hard to be good enough to be chosen or loved. 

No matter how it shows up in your life - through connections or partnerships, or even through False Light Teachings that disguise themselves as Law of Attraction, The Positive Mindset Movement, or anything else that makes you feel like you must be perfect to be chosen -- we are here to have these experiences so we can dismantle this from the grid system.

We dismantle and unplug from narcissistic programming by stepping into our power, reclaiming our sovereignty, reconnecting to God/Source, and reminding ourselves that we don't have to forget who we are, put on a fake smile, or step out of integrity to lead a happy life.

Just like my 2019 Mantra stated, "I am not here to force anyone or anything to be in my life. I am in the business of allowance".

Anyone or anything that is meant to align with our lives will align. We don't have to prove ourselves, disrespect or dishonor ourselves, fight, or chase to be worthy of it or them. We take back our power by taking that higher perspective and reminding ourselves that it's not our job to make someone or something stay. If someone or something chooses to leave, that's okay. You are still loved and whole and complete, regardless. You did nothing wrong to make anyone or anything leave.

Lots of Love,

To book a 1:1 Coaching Session or Quantum Inner Child Healing session, visit this link to schedule now:


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