Welcome to the last couple of weeks of 2019 - before we head into the roarin' '20s. We have reached the precipice of the past ten years, and we are being asked to leap or re-loop.
The past few years have been an endless cycle of peeling back the metaphorical layers to reveal our truth and to discard our false programming and illusion. But even with every layer we've peeled back, the act of shifting our physical reality has held some people back.
No matter how many master courses, mindset shifts, and meditations you have done - if you don't do the heavy lifting and moving in your physical reality, be prepared to re-loop old cycles.
It's not a matter of psychic attack or divinely-blocked progress - God/Source doesn't play games with our hearts. It's a matter of fully aligning from a space of integrity to, not only talk the talk but walk the walk.
I'm not claiming that I have been squeaky-clean and perfect in this area by any means. There are shifts and changes in my physical world that still need to be made. But I've learned that everything reaches its breaking point, and you come to the edge of the cliff with the only two options being: stay here or leap.
The mental, emotional, and energetic work we do - all the healing and reprogramming - is such an important aspect for both ourselves and the Collective shift. But the real testament and culmination of the work we have done come at the hand of tangible movement.
That means...
(preface this by saying, make sure you don't move on a knee-jerk when you have bills to pay, children/pets to feed, or it would be out of integrity to make the move right now)
Choosing to quit that job instead of continuing to complain about it or talk about quitting that job.
Choosing to speak up about your truth instead of feeling silenced.
Choosing to take the class or join that group because it's where you're being called to go.
Choosing to leave that abusive or misaligned situation because it's pulling you off your path.
Choosing to start that business, create that course, or write that book.
The list could go on forever, but the point is - do the things because you've processed out the old programming that previously blocked you from doing the things.
I'm a firm believer that we reach a point where we can no longer deny or ignore the truth. We reach a point of spiritual discernment and deep knowing that we cannot continue to play ourselves and others around us. We reach the precipice where the leap is done from a space of integrity and fear's the only thing keeping our toes curled around the edge.
You could choose to stay, you could choose to go. Both will be equally uncomfortable, but only one leads to full alignment, peace, abundance, and joy. All of these things are challenging to anchor into our lives when we are out of alignment with God/Source, integrity, and divine mission.
Look, I've been there. It's comfortable - it's so damn comfortable. You're not content in the situation even though you feel content within yourself. You know that no one or thing will make you feel content, but sitting in a stagnant place because you've learned to feel content within even amongst the chaos is no bueno.
I've had the job where I could sit there, knowing that this job was no longer resonating with me and where I was going, but staying because I could find a way to feel peace and joy within - and God/Source would make the changes for me.
I mean, God/Source will - but it may be a little more abrupt and jarring when the rug is pulled out from under you and you are pushed face-first in your next cycle.
I've been in the relationship where I knew that things we off and no longer felt like anything more than a visitor in my own life. I didn't feel dissociated because of what the other person was doing. I felt a complete disconnection because my energetic vibration no longer resonated with where I was at.
It's almost a new year and a new decade, and it's time to learn how to fully grieve, let go, and move on. We are being urged to no longer re-loop two to three years' worth of cycles all over again because we are afraid to move forward. There's so much we are being called to do - in our relationships, money, careers, and life. And, getting hung up on what you/others think you 'should' be doing or 'have to do' shouldn't be the only things holding you back from moving forward fully.
Take the inventory. Get real with yourself. Make the final cuts. Release the fears and "What if's, should, must, and have to". Do the work. Own your truth. And move forward.
Hard, blunt truths are sometimes the necessary thing needed to move tough earth.
If we want the relationship, the money, the family, the home, the career, the business, the whatever - we're going to have to fully step up and lean into the uncomfortable spots and own our lives.
You've got this. You have been so resilient and tenacious through your many processes and cycles. Remember, fear is a liar and truth shall set you free.
Catch me on Instagram @taylorrinercoach or Facebook at www.facebook.com/taylorriner222
Wanna level up for the new year (or any time of the year)? Book your session now at www.taylorriner.com
Lots of Love,
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