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Twin Flames | Making It Out Alive!

The feeling of liberation as you walk through the doors from your old life is the single-most scary and exhilarating feeling in the world! This year, hell - this decade - has been quite a journey! If you're like me and you've been caught up, enthralled, and feeling a bit entrapped within the old programming and narratives around twin flames - then you understand that it's been a bumpy-ass ride! As I prepare to leave this past year and its old cycles behind, I can honestly say that I feel like I'm finally making it out alive! Yes, I believe in the power of deep, soul connections. Of course, I prescribe to the notion that we are shifting out of old paradigms with regard to how we relate to others. But not at the cost of our own self-respect, dignity, and integrity. I've spent the better half of this year unraveling myself from a lot of the old belief systems and interferences that came along with a lot of the twin flame doctrine  that is being heavil...
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Empowerment | Leap or Re-Loop

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Empowerment | They Left. Now What?!

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Twin Flames | Ending the Runner-Chaser Cycle For Good

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Twin Flames | Burned By the Fires That Ignite Us

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